
Monthly Team Training

Unlimited access to facilities, equipment, and coaches during gym hours

Remote Coaching

$25/Month, Includes programming and Video analysis

Monthly Macro Nutrition

Includes initial coaching session to review current meal plan/food choices/goals, set daily macro goals, weekly check-ins with coaches and daily text message check-ins

Monthly Meal Plan Nutrition

Includes initial coaching session to review current meal plan/food choices/goals, set daily/weekly meal plan to make the counting of macros and calories easier, weekly check-ins with coaches, and daily text message check-ins

Sports Performance Training

Includes introduction session where coaches will asses current movement patterns, evaluate the current training program, 2 in-person training sessions per week, and monthly training plan to increase sports performance

One-on-One Coaching

Can book in 60/90/120 minute increments

General Physical Preparedness Membership

Includes free introductory sessions, unlimited access to facilities for four sessions per week, coach oversight during training, monthly training program geared toward general physical fitness goals